weigh up

英 [weɪ ʌp] 美 [weɪ ʌp]

认真考虑; 权衡; 斟酌; (尤指心生怀疑时)评估,品评,对…作出评价


  1. → see: weigh 3
  2. PHRASAL VERB (尤指心生怀疑时)评估,品评,对…作出评价
    If you weigh someone up, you try and find out what they are like and form an opinion of them, especially when you are suspicious of them.
    1. My recruiting sergeant weighed me up when I first walked into his office.


  1. My recruiting sergeant weighed me up when I first walked into his office.
  2. Weigh up the sugar in Jin packages.
  3. Can my luggage range weigh up to30 kilos?
  4. Women were a little more complicated and likely to weigh up the pros and cons before settling on their choice.
  5. But by the end of the year, Ben Britton, 37, expects his current African lion roommates to weigh up to 40 kilograms each and no longer fit on his couch.
  6. You have to weigh up getting out maybe 30 cents down against carrying the cost of the trade on your balance sheet with no idea what might happen next, said one banker.
  7. Japan would have to weigh up various factors before making a decision to break with the US on the issue, not least the finalisation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, one of the biggest trade deals in history, and a visit by Mr Abe to Washington next month.
  8. As the ice thickens during the winter, the blocks can weigh up to twice that.
  9. I recently spoke to Smee and to Edwin latter, director of the link cash machine network, to weigh up the risks.
  10. Although the ultrasonic calls are too high-pitched for the human ear to pick up, the love songs allow females to weigh up the most suitable father for their offspring.
  11. Even as pundits continue to weigh up the renminbi, debating the 'IFS' and 'buts' and worrying about market bubbles and slowing Chinese growth, the currency is being adopted apace, driven by real business demand.
  12. But before laughing and jeering too much, one ought to weigh up the issues raised by this statement.
  13. You have to weigh up in your mind whether to pursue the matter or not.
  14. But not many of them weigh up the most extreme scenarios: how would the world fare if either the flow of migrants were to slow down radically or, conversely, there were no legal limits on migration at all?
  15. Fund managers, strategists and experts looking to the year ahead expect institutional investors to show a stronger interest in alternative asset classes as they watch the ongoing effects of the credit squeeze and weigh up the prospects for equity markets.
  16. The euro returned to its well-trodden downward path yesterday but equity, commodity and credit markets rallied from early lows as investors continued to weigh up the implications of emergency measures aimed at stabilising the eurozone announced on Monday.
  17. French voters get an early chance to weigh up their decision in parliamentary elections next month.
  18. Ask these employees afterward how they felt when they met this person and use their responses to help weigh up yours.
  19. One of the key aspects of the system architect's role is to weigh up conflicting requirements and decide on a solution, often by trading off one aspect against another.
  20. A pineapple can weigh up to 10 kilograms.
  21. They argue that people weigh up the health risks of smoking, the possible social and psychological benefits and the fact that it is habit-forming, before deciding whether to light up.
  22. He can weigh up anyone in the first few minutes and he is hardly ever deceived in a man.
  23. Shareholders have to weigh up the conflicting risks, and these are usually reflected in share prices during the offer period.
  24. They weigh up to forty-five tons and originated 32 kilometers from the site.
  25. The data also comes as policy makers weigh up regulatory changes to bank pay.
  26. In making his decision, he has not only to consider the economic aspect, but also weigh up all the constructional advantages and disadvantages of both tunneling and the alternative method of either passing around or over the obstruction.
  27. Google and its rivals now weigh up a number of other factors about an advert and the advertiser before deciding how much prominence to give to the message.
  28. The figures come as central bankers weigh up the strength of recovery ahead of interest rate decisions in the eurozone and the UK on Thursday.
  29. The thought is, roughly, weigh up the pleasures and pains in some appropriate way.